
COVID-19 Response 2020-2022

Bishop Ireton High School worked with the Diocese of Arlington and state and national health officials to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021-2022 COVID-19 Information Archive

The administration at Bishop Ireton prioritized the health and safety of its students, faculty and staff when making decisions while the pandemic continues. 

Below, you will find all correspondence sent to Bishop Ireton families and students regarding the school's response to COVID-19 for the 2021-2022 school year. The most recent re-opening plan (last in use for the 2021-2022 school year) can be found here.

2021-2022 COVID-19 Correspondence Archive

List of 2 items.

  • Important Update for Bishop Ireton Families RE: Back to School - 12/30/2021

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,
    We hope that you are having a joyous Christmas season, and a safe, enjoyable break. We recognize that much has changed over the past two weeks, with the omicron variant causing an increase in COVID-19 cases locally and nationwide. As we continue to navigate this ever-changing pandemic, we remain flexible, adjusting and adhering to state and local guidance and regulations.
    Following the recent CDC changes to guidelines for Covid exposure, quarantines, and positive cases, we received updated guidance and requirements from the Alexandria City Health Department.  In accordance with their guidance, we have updated our Covid Full ReOpening Plan to reflect these changes. You can review the updated plan (with highlighted changes in green) at this link or on the home page of the Bishop Ireton website. The QR code in the student handbook also links directly to this updated document.
    As we continue to maintain a safe campus environment, we also recognize that positive cases will happen.  A lot of work goes into contact tracing and reviewing documentation for each case. Our nurses and administrators need additional days to adjust our files and implement new protocols. Therefore, we are adjusting our calendar for next week and making January 3, 4 and 5 (Monday - Wednesday) synchronous virtual instruction days for all students. Students must follow all protocols for virtual instruction per the Full ReOpening Plan, and reminders for virtual instruction will be sent out by the instructional admin team by email this weekend. All in-season athletic and theater practices will continue on January 3rd, 4th and 5th per coach/director instructions. Students will return to in-person, on-campus instruction on Thursday, January 6.
    Many of our families have been proactive in sending us vaccination information. We now need your assistance in providing your child’s Covid booster documentation. Please send us your child’s vaccination and booster information through the portal on the Health Magnus site. The directions for doing so are in the attached document, and our nurses will be happy to assist you with any questions.  
    During January, we also will implement the following additional mitigation strategies: 
    • virtual assemblies and Masses
    • athletic onsite event spectators limited to relatives of athletes
    • certain designated lunch areas available with 6ft marked spacing, as well as continued outdoor eating areas
    • masking for all choral, instrumental and theater practice
    • additional proper masking reminders and signage during classes and throughout the building
    We continue to monitor local and onsite transmission rates, and will re-evaluate our mitigation procedures throughout the month, as necessary.


    In-season athletic practices and events will start on January 3rd, and off-season teams with scheduled practices will start after January 5th following the guidance of coaches regarding days and times for workouts. Please be aware that individual teams or events may need to be paused for the safety of all participants due to either onsite needs or the circumstances of scheduled visiting teams. For the month of January, indoor athletic events will have spectators limited to relatives of the athletes, in addition to coaches and officials. We will continue to watch transmission rates and re-evaluate our needs throughout the month. 
    Other than our adjustment needs during these first three instructional days of January, our goal remains to keep our school open for in-person learning five days a week. We value the importance of in-person learning for mental wellness, connection to instructional resources and social interaction. We look to our community to make safe choices while off campus, and to stay home if you experience Covid symptoms. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
    Advance Always,
    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School 
  • 2021-2022 Re-Opening Plan and Resource Board - 7/2/2021

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families and Students,

    I hope that you are enjoying the summer! We have been hard at work preparing for the full reopening of Bishop Ireton this fall for the 2021-2022 school year. There is still much to do but I am excited to share the 2021-2022 Full Reopening Plan with you. The purpose of this plan is to provide you with the many adjustments made to health and safety protocols and procedures that we had in place for the 2020-2021 school year. This plan will be incorporated into the school handbook and will be reviewed with students when they return for orientation week.

    In addition to the reopening plan, we have also created a “one-stop shop” for all things Back to School in our My BI Portal. This online resource takes the place of a hard copy back-to-school packet. While this resource page has a lot of information, it will be updated throughout the summer as plans are finalized.  We will let you know when updates are made, and we encourage you to check back regularly. The Back to School resource page can be found by logging into the My BI Portal. For new families, this is the same login information you used when applying. New incoming students will receive their own username and password once school starts. Until then, parents of new students can view their student’s resource information by logging in through the parent account. Current students and parents of current students should log in as usual. If you have trouble logging into My BI, please try to reset your password using the "First Time Logging In or Forgot Login?" when you reach the login page. If that does not work, please send an email to techsupport@xinglongmaofang.com.

    To view the Back to School Information resource page:
    • Log into the Portal
    • Click on “Resources” in the top ribbon of options at the top of the page
    • Click on the “Back to School Information 2021-2022” tile
    • OR click the button below to access it directly.

    The Back to School Information resource page also includes an important Head of School letter. You can read that here.

    PLEASE NOTE: Student class schedules and information about specific times and locations for fall athletic tryouts will be communicated in mid July through email.

    We look forward to welcoming our entire student body to campus in August. I pray that all of you have a rejuvenating rest of summer and we will see you on Cambridge Road soon!

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School

2020-2021 COVID-19 Correspondence Archive

Bishop Ireton High School worked closely with the Diocese of Arlington and state and national health officials to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic during the 2020-2021 school year. 

Below, you can find the correspondence sent to students, families and staff regarding the coronavirus situation and Bishop Ireton's approach to and plan for reopening the school for the 2020-2021 school year.

List of 30 items.

  • Coronavirus Head of School Update - 5/3/21

    Head of School Message in This Week at BI, April 30, 2021
    We find ourselves at the end of April with the days starting to fly by. Our Special Services department led many activities and engaging opportunities over the last couple weeks to help our community celebrate Neurodiversity Inclusion Month. Not only did we learn more about the gifts and challenges of intellectual and social differences, we celebrated the growth of our academic support programming, and we enjoyed some of Mr. Jason Smith’s amazing cheesecakes (that is, if you could get to the table before it was all sold out!). 
    With AP exams beginning onsite this Monday, our counseling department, technology department and facilities team have been preparing spaces and materials for safe and sound test implementation and student success. I am so grateful to our AP teachers who have navigated this year and last spring with grace, persistence and strength, making sure that our students are prepared and ready for the testing format and curricular material. Please join us in praying for our students throughout the testing process.
    As we have shared since March, we are beginning to prepare for the return of all students to campus five days a week for the 21-22 school year. Part of that planning process involves getting feedback from parents, students and faculty/staff. We will be sending out surveys to each of those stakeholder groups next week, and I thank you in advance for your efforts in responding to this survey. As changes are implemented, we will keep families up to date. One of the most recent changes involves the limited use of buses for away competitions during the remaining weeks of the spring athletic season. Coaches will be communicating with families in regards to the team’s limited use, and we will be updating our COVID plan on the website to indicate those changes. We know that each change is another step forward as we provide more for our students!
    “Break a leg” to all of our theater performers as the premiere of Much Ado About Nothing hit the virtual airwaves earlier tonight! You have all weekend to catch it!
    Advance Always,
    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Athletics Update - 3/3/21

    Dear Bishop Ireton Community,
    We are excited to have athletic practices for the “Fall season” underway, with competitions beginning over the next couple weeks in the various fall sports. We are grateful to the coaches and athletes who are navigating their sport at a different time of year and with different weather and locational challenges! We are grateful to everyone for your understanding and flexibility as ordinances and requirements continue to change and adjust to due to the pandemic. We will plan to send out a formal update in April when it is time for the “Spring season” to begin.
    While we will be including information on sports competitions in our Friday This Week at BI newsletters, athletes and parents can find schedule information for each sport on the My BI Portal and school website beginning March 5, 2021. Please note that there will most likely be schedule changes throughout the season due to ongoing challenges provided by the pandemic. The website schedule will be updated as changes are made, so don’t print a hard copy schedule now with the expectation that it is set in stone! Coaches will keep athletes and families updated through team communications, and the athletic calendar will be maintained and updated daily.


    There are state and local regulations that we must follow for the “Fall season” sports in regards to spectators. Due to limitations, both in regards to numbers and safety procedures, please follow the Spectator Guidelines for Indoor and Outdoor Competitions at Bishop Ireton High School:
    Outdoor Competition Home Games
    • For outdoor competition HOME games, each Bishop Ireton athlete is only allowed two parents/guardians as spectators. No siblings, fellow students, friends nor visiting team spectators will be allowed entrance. Only athletes, coaches, officials, administrators and approved home spectators will be allowed entrance. Each student athlete will be given two customized buttons for the parents/guardians to wear prior to the first game. These buttons will serve as the entrance tickets, upon arrival at the game. Parents/guardians will be checked in at Fannon Field prior to the start of the competition. We ask parents/guardians to keep their button on at all times. Masks are required, and social distancing will be enforced throughout the spectator event.
    • Any outdoor event on Fannon Field will be live streamed through Hudl, allowing all other students, family and friends to watch the event. You can watch the events by going to this link: http://www.youtube.com/c/BishopIretonHighSchool 
    • Outdoor portable bathrooms will be available for student and spectator use.
    Indoor Competition Home Games
    • For indoor competition HOME games, the number of spectators will be significantly different from outdoor competitions due to much greater indoor number restrictions. Only the parents of Bishop Ireton athlete seniors may attend. No siblings, fellow students, friends nor visiting team spectators will be allowed entrance to Godley Gym. Only athletes, coaches, officials, administrators and approved spectators will be allowed entrance. Because the approved parents/guardians will be entering the building, they must complete the health screening at the school entrance, and they must wear the customized button that will be given to them prior to the first game. After completing the health screen, they will be checked in at Godley Gym. We ask senior parents/guardians to keep their spectator button on at all times. Masks are required and social distancing in the bleachers will be enforced throughout the spectator event.
    • The athletic wing bathrooms will be available for student and spectator use, only one person at a time in the bathroom.
    We are grateful to our families for your compliance with these spectator rules. It is a privilege to be able to watch our athletes in person, and any issues with these regulations may require us to change to a “no spectator rule.” This is not what we want as we provide our Cardinal athletes with a safe, healthy and competitive experience. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

    Advance Always,
    Dwayne Bryant
    Athletic Director

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Return to School Update - 2/19/2021

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,
    It was just one year ago at this time that I was beginning to receive administrative messages on something called “COVID-19” and the need for teachers to prepare lessons for a possible couple of weeks out of the building. We had just cut the ribbon on the new building and were still finishing construction work in the athletic wing and the front office. Oh, how far we’ve traveled in just a year! Our facilities are well established in safety protocols and routines; the Bishop Ireton faculty and staff have remained dynamic, faithful and determined to provide excellence while nurturing our students’ needs; and our students have been resilient, determined and creative as they have navigated the weeks and months. Just today, we sent out acceptance letters to the largest pool of applicants that we have had in years, which speaks not only to the excellence of Bishop Ireton, but to its response to learning and safety over the past school year. I am grateful to the many Ireton families who have been so supportive and flexible, understanding the importance of safety while working with us to implement a plan that has allowed for students in the building and on the playing fields. None of this is easy, but God doesn’t provide us with the easy path. He provides us with opportunities to be Christ for one another. At Bishop Ireton, we will continue to do all that we can to provide a safe learning environment for our students and staff while also keeping our students engaged in learning and provided with support and opportunities for fun.

    Updated Return to School Covid Plan

    As we enter March 2021, we remain in hybrid mode, and we continue to make additions and changes to our plan wherever possible, allowing for more student engagement but also following the requirements and recommendations of the state and local jurisdiction as well as the Diocese of Arlington. The updated Return to School plan, which was originally sent out on July 1, 2020, contains the updates that were made in August 2020, October 2020, and now on February 19, 2021. The most recent updates are printed in orange as you scroll through the document. Please review the document for changes and additions.

    Updates for Seniors

    Our seniors and their families are eager for details on end of the year events for them as they celebrate the conclusion of their high school experience. We are currently working on our plans and will be sending out information through the Student Life Office as things are finalized. Until then, here are some details to get you started: 
    • While AP exams will be taking place for all those who choose them, there will be NO senior exams this year.
    • As long as there are no COVID Phase changes in the state, we are planning on a Senior BBQ on Fannon Field in May with the whole senior class, a Special Senior Farewell video followed by a Special Drive-Through Event on Campus with the Faculty and Staff, and in-person graduation that allows for guests (most likely held over three events). We are also working on a senior dinner (as an alternative to prom), and plans are already underway for a modified All-Night Graduation Event here on campus following graduation ceremonies.
    We want to celebrate you and your accomplishments, and we look forward to doing all that we can, safely and joyously!
    My prayers for the Bishop Ireton community as we enter Lent and this final week of February.  Stay safe and stay well!
    Advance Always,
    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Exam Week Inclement Weather Plan, Emergency Alerts and the Week After Christmas Break - 12/10/20

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    We have some information and reminders for you during this exam week, as well as for the week after Christmas break:

    Exam Week (Dec. 14-18) and the Possibility of Inclement Weather

    As you know, exam week brings its own schedule, especially as we navigate COVID health and safety procedures. While we have students who are taking exams both remotely and in-person, we want to maintain the in-person experience so that students who prefer and need the onsite environment can have it, and those students who require testing accommodations can have access to those supports.

    -During exam week, Bishop Ireton will close if Fairfax County Schools announces either a full closure or a two-hour delay. We will not be able to hold the full slate of exams if a two-hour delay is announced, so it would be treated as a full closure day.
    -If we have a school closure or delay during exam week, the closed exam day schedule will shift to the very next day that we are open. For example, if we are closed on Wednesday, the currently scheduled Wednesday exams will shift to Thursday, and currently scheduled Thursday exams would shift to Friday. The make-up date, currently scheduled for this Friday, would shift to Monday, December 21.
    -Both Monday, December 21 and Tuesday, December 22 are reserved as make-up days for exams if needed.

    Standard 2020-2021 Inclement Weather Policy (not including exam week)

    As announced in last week’s edition of This Week at BI, Bishop Ireton will continue to follow closure announcements for Fairfax County Schools inclement weather. 

    -Bishop Ireton has three snow days built into the school calendar, so (if needed/announced) we will use the first three snow days as non-instructional days, with all students, staff and faculty at home and not logging in for classes or school work.
    -If we surpass three formal snow days, we will move to fully remote instructional days on inclement weather closure days in order to maintain our calendar and state requirements for the remainder of the school year. We will certainly provide announcements and reminders as needed regarding those days.
    -Starting with the instructional schedule in January, if a two-hour delay is called by Fairfax County Schools, Bishop Ireton students and teachers will log in for a fully remote day without a delay.

    Information on School Closures

    When the school will be delayed or closed for any reason, you can access that information in the following ways:

    -A bulletin on the Bishop Ireton website
    -The Bishop Ireton Twitter and Facebook pages
    -An emergency alert to your email and/or phone*

    *In order to receive emergency alerts (that will be used for both delays or closings due to inclement weather as well as other emergencies should they occur), you MUST OPT IN. To do so, just follow the instructions linked here.

    Fully Remote Instructional Days for the Week After Christmas Break! (January 4 - 8, 2021)

    Due to the many families and staff members who will be traveling over the Christmas break, we are approved by the diocese for a fully remote, synchronous instruction week for the first week back from Christmas Break. This is similar to what we did after Thanksgiving and provided a positive, safe return for everyone. Therefore, the schedule after break will be as follows (and will be updated on the My BI Portal):

    -Christmas break ends Sunday, January 3
    -January 4 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (B day)
    -January 5 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (I day)
    -January 6 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (B day)
    -January 7 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (I day)
    -January 8 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (B day)
    Monday, January 11 – Return to hybrid schedule onsite (I day, Red group)

    We understand the importance of our community’s health, the wellness of our faculty and students, and the tremendous benefits of in-person instruction. We thank you for your understanding and flexibility as we make adjustments, and we ask for your continued prayers as we work together for the success of our students. Blessings as you prepare for Christmas and get ready to light that last candle on your Advent wreath!

    Advance Always,,
    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Calendar Changes and Adjustments for Bishop Ireton High School - 11/14/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,
    Due to the new state mandates announced by Governor Northam yesterday regarding gatherings and mask wearing, diocesan school administrators immediately began reviewing needs for their schools. Shortly after the governor’s announcement, the Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPE) issued clarifying guidance from the state for educational settings. Bishop Ireton High School is taking the following steps to ensure compliance with state and local requirements, and most importantly, in keeping our students and families safe:
    • Bishop Ireton High School will remain in our Hybrid Instructional Approach with the Red and Gold student cohort groups already in place. We will be making adjustments to our calendar during the holiday season, which are outlined below.
    • To enhance and increase the strict distancing measures that are already in place, we are adding a fifth location for lunches during all three lunch periods, which will be located in the auxiliary gym. This allows us to spread student seating beyond 6 feet and decrease the number of students in each space. We are also utilizing the auxiliary gym as a third backup location for a morning drop-off holding area, which will be used as needed while students arrive and wait for first period.
    • No hybrid assemblies and large group gatherings will be held on campus at this time, and Mass will be live streamed through classrooms on the dedicated liturgy days.
    • More information on workouts for athletics will come directly from the coaches. Club moderators will be in touch with students regarding club activities and schedules.
    • Families who have students with the need to be temporarily remote during this time can let the school know through our attendance email: attendance@xinglongmaofang.com.
    The calendar adjustments between now and Christmas are as follows:
    • Nov. 16-20 - Regular hybrid schedule
    • Nov. 23 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (B day)*
    • Nov. 24 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (I day – 12:10 dismissal)
    • Nov. 30 - Bishop’s Holiday
    • Dec. 1 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (B day)
    • Dec. 2 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (I day)
    • Dec. 3 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (B day)
    • Dec. 4 - Fully remote synchronous instruction for all students (I day)
    • Weeks of Dec. 7 and 14 - Regular hybrid schedule as listed for exam days
    • Dec. 18 - Make-up exam day, with Christmas Break beginning once those exams are completed)
    *The school Portal will be updated this weekend to reflect changes to the calendar and the procedures of those days that are now fully remote.    
    We have a few events on our calendar that are impacted by the governor’s order, and we are working collaboratively to make them happen in new ways: 
    • The upcoming theater production Obstacles will now be live streamed rather than with an in-person audience. More information will be coming on showtimes and log-in details.
    • Details and adjustments for the NHS Induction Ceremony, which is planned for Dec. 2, 2020, are still to be determined. NHS moderators will be in touch once items are finalized.
    • The HSPT is scheduled to be held on our campus on December 5, 2020 for rising freshmen. That test will still take place with reduced numbers in different classrooms on campus.
    We understand the importance of our community’s health, the wellness of our faculty and students, and the tremendous benefits of in-person instruction. We thank you for your understanding and flexibility as we make adjustments, and we ask for your continued prayers as we work together for the success of our students. As I learned last spring, the governor can make multiple changes in a short period of time due to the pandemic, so we will continue to keep you informed of any further adjustments. 
    God Bless,

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus WCAC Athletic Update - 11/12/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Community,
    I hope my letter finds everyone safe and doing well. The traditional fall athletic season has come to an end and we are now moving into the winter early season. We continue to work hard to provide our student body with a positive athletic environment with the goal of making their athletic experience a healthy and competitive one, and most importantly, a safe one.

    As we shared in August, the WCAC (Washington Catholic Athletic Conference) decided to delay the fall and winter sports seasons until a later date, with an official start date of no earlier than January 1, 2021 for WCAC play. Since that time, the conference athletic directors and Heads of School have been working on a plan to resume sports this winter. I am happy to announce that the Heads of School have approved a plan moving forward. Below is the WCAC schedule for “return to play.” Please note that this is subject to change pending health requirements from state governments, local health departments, the Diocese of Arlington and the WCAC.
    The WCAC has determined that there will be no conference championships this year, but competitions may be held between schools where play is allowed. The schools that we compete against are from different jurisdictions with different restrictions, so we remain flexible as we look forward. The Bishop Ireton Athletic Department will be working on scheduling competitions and working with coaches on communications to teams.
    The following sports will be offered to our students for participation:
    Winter Season
    • Girls and Boys Swimming
    • Girls and Boys Basketball
    • Girls and Boys Indoor Track
    • Ice Hockey
    • Cheerleading (without stunting)
    Fall Season
    • Girls Volleyball
    • Girls and Boys Cross Country
    • Girls Field Hockey
    • Girls and Boys Soccer
    • Football
    Spring Season
    • Girls and Boys Lacrosse
    • Girls and Boys Track and Field
    • Boys Tennis
    • Golf
    • Baseball
    • Softball
    Crew will continue with workouts until boating facilities open and the program is able to be held safely. Wrestling will also continue with safe workouts, but the possibility of competition is still under review.
    As we prepare for the transition to play, here are some reminders on current rules and requirements:
    • Students may only participate in practices and workouts on the days that they have school on site.
    • Students who have selected the fully remote learning option cannot participate in any workouts or games/competitions.
    • All students-athletes must have a current physical on file before they will be allowed to participate in any practices, workouts, tryouts, competitions. Bishop Ireton does not offer physicals on campus.
    • No scrimmages/competitions will be held during the week. Weekend competitions will be scheduled when it is safe to do so.
    • Transportation for athletic activities and competitions will not be provided for students at this time. Given the number of teams and athletes we have, it would be impossible to properly social distance and keep our athletes safe on school transportation. Therefore, all athletes will need to secure rides to and from games.
    In addition, these are the requirements for competition:
    • During official games, competitors will not be required to wear masks while in play. When they are on the sidelines/benches/bleachers/etc., at least 6 feet of distance must be maintained and masks must be worn.
    • All coaches and officials must wear masks throughout the competition.
    • The determination of whether to allow spectators will be made prior to the event. If spectators are allowed, masks must be worn and 6 ft. distancing maintained. In the event that spectators are not allowed, live streaming will be provided whenever possible.
    All COVID-19 protocols for athletics remain in place. Students who cannot adhere to rules for safety, particularly physical distancing and mask requirements will not be allowed to continue participation during the season. All student-athletes must complete the health screening and have their temperature taken each day prior to being allowed to participate. Failure to do so will result in the student-athlete being sent home immediately. A temperature of 100.4 is considered a fever and the student-athlete will be sent home immediately.
    Our athletic trainers and nursing staff continue to work with the state health department on safety protocols and requirements for quarantine should we have a positive case of COVID-19. They remain our point of contact with families for any health concerns. Each sport has its own protocols and requirements for safe play. For information on what each sport will be doing, please reach out to the head coach by going to the athletic page on the Bishop Ireton website.


    • Tryouts/Practices - December 10 - January 2 (No practices on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and December exam days)
    • Season - January 11 - February 13
    • Tryouts/Practices - February 15 – February 27  (Football: Feb. 15 - March 4)
    • Season - March 1 - April 10  (Football: March 12 - April 17) 
    • Tryouts/Practices - April 12 – April 24
    • Season - April 26 - June 5 (Accounts for end of year exams and graduation ceremonies) 
    We recognize the importance of athletics in the development of our students and we want to provide our students with a safe environment for play and competition. We are committed to the care and safety of students-athletes, coaches and the entire Bishop Ireton community. We thank our families and student athletes as you work with the Athletic Department, and we appreciate your patience as we continue to work to safely provide athletic opportunities. We look forward to your continued support!
    Dwayne Bryant
    Director of Athletics and Head Boys Basketball Coach
  • Coronavirus Return to School Update - 10/1/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,
    On July 1, we sent out the Bishop Ireton Reopening Plan to families, with the understanding that we would keep you updated with any changes in regards to requirements, process or procedure, particularly as new directives come from local authorities. Alexandria City just passed a new face mask ordinance which takes effect today, October 1, 2020. This ordinance mandates face coverings at indoor and outdoor public settings and applies to anyone in a public space over the age of 10. It includes those present at indoor venues, as well as outdoor areas where social distancing isn’t achievable. We updated our language to be in line with this ordinance and Alexandria City Health Department. Here, you can find our updated plan, with any additions highlighted in green. There are only a few updates and they don’t change any of the current processes and procedures in place for our students. We do want to remind all students that are logging in virtually (whether hybrid or fully remote) to be in the uniform polo and to keep their background simple, appropriate and not distracting. This is not a time for advertising displays, showing others in the room or making political statements. The virtual screen is part of the learning environment and we ask for support from home on this as we work with our students. 
    Just a reminder to those families who have chosen a fully virtual option for their student: if you decide that you would like to change from fully virtual to hybrid for the second quarter, we ask that you email Mrs. Tobin (tobind@xinglongmaofang.com) no later than October 23 so that she can confirm the change, and so that admin can make the necessary adjustments in our internal system for teacher notification and attendance. For any family considering the change from hybrid to fully remote for the second quarter, we also ask you to notify us no later than October 23. Any student who remains in or chooses remote learning must remain with that plan throughout the entire second quarter. The family can then reassess their plan for third quarter.
    We thank everyone for their understanding and flexibility as we continue with the hybrid model and concurrent classroom instruction. We have found the ongoing block schedule rotation to be working well for both students and teachers, providing an opportunity for better continuity of instruction and regular opportunity for in-person checks with each class section. Student success is our focus!

    Upcoming Calendar Change

    • Please note that Monday, November 2 (All Souls Day), which is a Gold I-day is now going to be a fully virtual asynchronous learning day for students and teachers. Students will not come to campus that day and they do not have to log on at specific times. This allows instructional time for any classroom project-based work or assignment completion, and it gives the teachers an additional day for virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences, which were already scheduled for November 3 and 4. We want to provide additional time as we conference in new ways! The calendar rotation will then remain on track with November 5 as a Red B-day.
    Advance Always,
    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Return to School Update - 8/7/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families and Students,
    As both a parent and an educator, I know the array of feelings that come with the flip of the calendar from July to August! Even in a “normal” year, we would find ourselves getting ready for the year to come, filling out forms, buying supplies/books and praying that our children will adjust well to the next grade. This August certainly brings added questions and concerns as the new school year approaches… How will this hybrid learning approach work for my child? How can I best prepare my lessons for a “concurrent classroom” with both in-person leaners and virtual students? How will our students do wearing masks throughout the school day? How will my freshman child figure out the high school process amidst so many health and safety requirements? Will the school have to close at some point during the school year? And I could go on and on. As much as we prepare, train, create strong safety protocols in the school building, implement rules at home for social distancing and remote learning, etc., the unknown is still there. This is where our theme for the year begins to speak to us: “Even though everything turns and changes around us, our hearts must remain unchanging and ever looking, striving and aspiring toward God.” As we look forward to a new academic year and all the challenges that may come our way, let us renew our trust in God, whose love for us remains unchanging, and who continues to call us to advance always in peace and hope.
    On July 1, we sent out the Bishop Ireton Reopening Plan to families, with the understanding that we would provide additional details and updates later in the summer. Here, you can find our updated plan, with any additions highlighted in yellow. Nothing has been omitted from the original plan, but new details have been added to answer some of the questions our families and staff have asked. For those of you who are still discerning whether you would like your child to start the year with remote learning, we ask that you email Mrs. Tobin by August 24 (tobind@xinglongmaofang.comto allow us to prepare our documentation for teachers and staff. Any student who chooses remote learning must remain with that plan through the first quarter. At that time, the family can reassess their plan for second quarter. If you have questions on the reopening plan, please submit them here.
    I hope that all of you have visited our newly updated website! It got a big “facelift” earlier in the summer, due to many hours of hard work over the past 8 months. While there are still sections to be worked and refreshed, we are happy to bring a new look and feel to our site for current, prospective and alumni families. Each school year is a new contract year, and thus, new staff members have joined our school family.  You can refer to our faculty directory on the Bishop Ireton website in the “About” tab to see our new and returning faculty and staff. We are blessed with an outstanding team of professionals and mentors for our students, and we are grateful for the collaborative spirit that permeates our hallways (and “Zoom rooms”), even with physical distancing and virtual learning in place!
    We will continue to update you with school communication each Friday throughout August, and our first official 2020-2021 school year newsletter, This Week at BI, will be sent on August 28. In the meantime, continue to check the My BI Portal where you can review the calendar (and orientation information), link to the booklist, visit the school store, review the Bring Your Own Device policy with computer specifications, and much more. Know that our staff is here for you and very busy preparing for the year ahead, with your child’s needs at the forefront of our work. We ask you to pray for us and for all educators, knowing that we are praying for each one of you.
    Below, please find information about our brand new online school store and information about virtual uniform fittings.
    Advance Always,
    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Athletic Plan for Fall 2020 - July 29, 2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Community,
    After much discussion and discernment, the WCAC (Washington Catholic Athletic Conference) fall sports season will be delayed with the plan to postpone until a later date. The league is currently exploring scheduling options for all seasons, with a start date of no earlier than January 1, 2021 for WCAC play.
    As many of you know, the WCAC is composed of thirteen schools spanning seven jurisdictions and many counties. These jurisdictions have different safety restrictions and requirements at this time, and thus, the decision was made that there will be no WCAC sanctioned contest, events or championships this fall. That said, the WCAC will permit member schools to continue with workouts, activities and competitions in sports this fall that meet the safety requirements of the location.  
    Here is what this means for Bishop Ireton athletics this fall:
    The following sports will be offered to our students for participation, recognizing that this is not a replacement for the WCAC fall season:
    • Girls Volleyball
    • Girls and Boys Cross Country
    • Girls Field Hockey
    • Girls and Boys Soccer
    • Girls Tennis
    • Cheerleading (without stunting)
    At this time, football has been put on hold and will be reviewed at a later date by the WCAC for the winter or spring pending the ability to hold the sport safely. Crew remains on hold until boating facilities open and the program is able to be held safely. A decision on winter sports will be made at a later date.
    Please note that this is subject to change pending health recommendations from state governments, the Diocese of Arlington and the WCAC.
    Rules and Requirements:
    • Students may only participate in practices and workouts onsite on the days that they have school onsite.
    • Students who have selected the fully remote learning option cannot participate in fall athletics.  
    • All students-athletes must have a current physical on file before they will be allowed to participate in any practices, workouts, tryouts, competitions. Bishop Ireton will not be offering physicals on campus.
    • Pre-season workouts can continue at this time as long as they work with the Athletic Department and follow safety protocols.  
    • Any offered fall programs who choose to have tryouts and competitions cannot begin prior to Monday, September 21, 2020. Any competition that takes place in the fall will NOT be sanctioned by the WCAC nor count towards WCAC play. 
    • Programs participating in fall workouts, practices and potential scrimmages must follow and adhere to all WCAC policies. This includes physicals, practice times and duration of those practices.
    • No scrimmages/competitions will be held during the weekdays.  Weekend competitions will be scheduled when safely possible.
    • Transportation for activities and competitions will not be provided for students during this fall period.
    All COVID-19 protocols that are currently in place for workouts/training will remain in place for the fall. Students who cannot adhere to rules for safety, particularly physical distancing and mask requirements will not be allowed to continue participation during the season. All student-athletes must fill out the health screening and have their temperature taken each day prior to being allowed to participate. Failure to do so will result in the student-athlete being sent home immediately. A temperature of 100.4 is considered a fever and the student-athlete will be sent home immediately.  
    Our athletic trainers and nursing staff continue to work with the state health department on safety protocols and requirements for quarantine should we have a positive case of COVID-19. They will be the point of contact with families for any health concerns.  
    We recognize the importance of athletics in the development of our students and we want to provide our students with a safe environment for play and competition. We are committed to the care and safety of students-athletes, coaches and the entire Bishop Ireton community. We are committed to taking every precaution to ensure that safety. Participation in the fall is not mandatory but is encouraged if you feel comfortable participating in any activities your sport provides. 
    Thank you for your patience as we continue to work to safely provide athletic opportunities for our student-athletes. We look forward to your continued support!
    Dwayne Bryant
    Director of Athletics and Head Boys Basketball Coach
  • Coronavirus BI Return to School Plan Remains in Place - 7/22/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families and Students,
    I hope that all of you are doing well and enjoying your summer! As many of you have seen, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) and other local districts have announced plans to begin the school year with distance learning. Some families have reached out to ask whether we will follow the decision made by FCPS. 
    Our return to school plan that was sent out on July 1 remains in place. We do not follow FCPS on their decisions for the COVID-19 response. We do, however, continue to follow the directives of the Governor and the Diocese of Arlington. Our Return to School plan follows the state’s "Forward Virginia" phases. Currently, Virginia is in Phase 3, which allows for in-person learning subject to safety recommendations and restrictions. We will be providing additional details on processes and orientation days in early August.  
    As per our Return to School plan, families who wish for their children to be entirely remote for the start of the 2020-2021 school year may submit a request to Mrs. Tobin at tobind@xinglongmaofang.com. Requests will be honored with the understanding that the fully remote option remains in place throughout the academic quarter. At the end of the quarter, families can review that decision with Mrs. Tobin.

    Families should continue to refer to the My BI Portal for important back to school information and the updated calendar. We will keep you updated as the days and weeks continue.
    God Bless,
    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus 2020-2021 Bishop Ireton Return to School Plan - 7/1/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,
    In the spirit of St. Francis de Sales, we begin every class period and assembly at Bishop Ireton with St. Francis’ prayer, Direction of Intention: My God, give me your grace. I offer you all the good I will do in this action and all the difficulty found in it, trusting You and Your abundant love. That prayer is certainly one that I have continued to invoke in the offices, hallways and virtual meeting rooms, as we work to serve the students and families. We are grateful for your patience and flexibility over these past several weeks as we have discerned and planned for the 2020-2021 school year. The Bishop Ireton High School "Return to School Plan" is a comprehensive and equitable one that shares our commitment to the safety, health and well-being of all school community members while providing an outstanding curricular program that promotes progress and academic excellence for all of our students. We remain mindful of the needs of all learners as we strive to offer instruction, social-emotional support and safe access to facilities through uncertain and evolving circumstances.
    While the state of Virginia enters Phase III today, we recognize that state directives may change over the coming weeks and months. Thus, the Bishop Ireton plan provides guidelines and procedures for the various phases and allows us to prepare our faculty, staff and facilities accordingly. It also provides your family with time to prepare for the school year ahead. Our goal is to continue providing continuity in your child’s education while maintaining a safe environment for the Bishop Ireton community.
    As you review the plan, we hope the following information will be helpful:

    This Friday afternoon, July 3, our electronic 2020-2021 school year summer information packet, our calendar, our textbook list (which includes e-book options for some of our classes) and student class schedules will be available on the BI Portal. We will be sending an email communication out to let you know that it’s available and ready for viewing. We understand the importance of strong communications as we serve all of you in the days ahead.
    Thank you again for your prayers, partnership and support of Catholic education at Bishop Ireton. We look forward to the coming school year as we Advance Always and Live Jesus.
    God Bless,
    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus 2020-2021 Schedule Update - 6/27/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,
    I know you are all anxiously awaiting information about the forthcoming school year. As a parent of a current Bishop Ireton student and a parent of two students still in college, I know firsthand the challenges that this situation is causing for families trying to plan for the 2020-2021 year. 
    I do want to let you know that our administration and faculty have been working tirelessly to develop a plan for the upcoming school year. We are preparing options based on guidance and directives from the state, health officials and the Diocese of Arlington. Our reopening plan for the fall will be sent to families on July 1. A summer packet will follow on July 3.
    Please know that the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff is at the forefront of our decision making process. 
    Please also know you are in my prayers and I ask that you keep me in yours. 
    Advance Always,
    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Locker Clean-Out Dates and Procedures - 5/6/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    Bishop Ireton High School continues to advance (always!) through online learning and safe (socially distanced!) living for staff and students in these times! We recognize that your students have books and items in their lockers that they need to get to, and we know that some of them have library books and athletic uniforms that they need to return. All medications have been delivered by Mrs. Lorge or sent by USPS on May 4, so there is nothing for your student to pick up from the clinic. The next two weeks (May 12-22) are our locker clean-out dates. We are providing designated days and times for our students to retrieve their things, making sure to establish procedures that will keep the process safe for everyone. The administration has set specific times to allow for student numbers, the travel to and from floors, and the travel time needed for winter/spring sports uniform return and PE/athletic locker clean-out.

    Our first days and time slots are for seniors only, and the remaining schedule is for our underclassmen. The clean-out process is only for our students - parents are welcome to wait for them in the car as they complete the process. (Parents can contact Mrs. Lorge at lorged@xinglongmaofang.com if they have concerns about an immunocompromised student. We will be happy to box their things up for them and prepare them for pick up.) We must stress the need for social distancing during this time. We love and miss our students very much, but this process will be in and out -- it will not be a social visit. We will have staff here to monitor the check-in, the hallways and the parking lot. Our students will need to grab and go! We will post this information on the COVID-19 updates section listed on the website homepage, and we will also add it to the Bishop Ireton portal. We look forward to seeing our students as we get them through safely.


    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School

    Student Locker Clean-Out Procedures
    • Identify your scheduled time and mark your calendar! Students must come at their assigned time. Late arrivals will have to wait for a later date to complete the process since this schedule accounts for a certain number in the building at once.
    • Entry will be through the Student Entrance, door #16 only (for check-in and accurate count of no more than 10 in at a time). Exit will be through the Auditorium lobby. This is an in-and-out process.
    • The nurse will take the temperatures of everyone who enters as an added precaution. Anyone with a fever and no symptoms or anyone with symptoms and no fever = no school entry!
    • Students must wear their own masks, and gloves will be given to you upon arrival.
    • Bring a backpack, box or garbage bag to take items home. No purging items in the building. Students will need to sort through locker contents at home.
    • If you have a Bishop Ireton Library book at home or in your locker, students are to leave it on the library cart in the auditorium lobby.
    • Seniors and any departing students who are borrowing BI musical instruments should return them at this time in the auditorium lobby. All instruments left should have a name attached for proper notation.
    • Locker rooms in the gym wing will be accessed through the auditorium atrium side. A box for athletic uniform return will be in the Auditorium lobby. All athletic uniforms should be individually bagged with a name attached for proper credit.
    • This is not a time to visit with other students; you must maintain the social distance rule of at least 6 feet in and outside the building; quick in-and-out; you must leave school property upon completion of locker contents retrieval.
    • For those not feeling well or those who are unable to come at your assigned time, we will have another day for locker collection at the end of May.
    • The locker clean-out is rain or shine -- bring an umbrella if needed. You will not be allowed in the building until your set time.
    Designated Locker Clean-Out Dates

    May 12 SENIORS ONLY by last name

    9 - 9:30 am – A
    9:30 - 10 am - B
    10 - 10:30 am – C
    10:30 - 11 am – D-E
    11 - 11:30 am – F

    May 13 SENIORS ONLY by last name

    9 - 9:30 am – G
    9:30 - 10 am – H
    10 - 10:30 am – J-K
    10:30 - 11 am – L
    11 - 11:30 am – M

    May 14 SENIORS ONLY by last name

    9 - 9:30 am – N-P
    9:30 - 10 am – Q-R
    10 - 10:30 am – S
    10:30 - 11 am – T-V
    11 - 11:30 am – W-Z

    May 18 JUNIORS ONLY by last name

    8 - 8:30 am – A - Juniors
    8:30 - 9 am – B - Juniors
    9 - 9:30 am – C - Juniors
    9:30 - 10 am – D-F - Juniors
    10 - 10:30 am – G - Juniors
    10:30 - 11 am – H-I Juniors
    11 - 11:30 am – J-K Juniors
    11:30 am - 12 pm – L Juniors

    May 19 JUNIORS ONLY by last name

    8 - 8:30 am – M – Juniors
    8:30 - 9 am – N-O - Juniors
    9 - 9:30am – P - Juniors
    9:30 - 10 am – Q-R - Juniors
    10 - 10:30 am – S - Juniors
    10:30 - 11 am – T-V Juniors
    11 - 11:30am – W-Z Juniors

    May 20 SOPHOMORES ONLY by last name

    8 - 8:30 am – A-B – Sophomores
    8:30 - 9 am – C - Sophomores
    9 - 9:30 am – D-E - Sophomores
    9:30 - 10 am – F-G - Sophomores
    10 - 10:30 am – H - Sophomores
    10:30 - 11 am – J-K - Sophomores
    11 - 11:30 am – L- Mc – Sophomores
    11:30 - 12 pm – Me-Mu – Sophomores
    12 - 12:30 pm – N-O – Sophomores

    May 21 SOPHOMORES by last name

    8 - 8:30 am – P-Q – Sophomores
    8:30 - 9 am – R - Sophomores
    9 - 9:30 am – S - Sophomores
    9:30 - 10 am – T-Z - Sophomores
    MAY 21 FRESHMEN by last name
    10 - 10:30 am – A - Freshmen
    10:30 - 11 am – B - Freshmen
    11 - 11:30 am – C – Freshmen
    11:30 am - 12 pm – D-E – Freshmen
    12 - 12:30 pm – F-G – Freshmen

    May 22 FRESHMEN ONLY by last name

    8 - 8:30 am – H – Freshmen
    8:30 - 9 am – I-K - Freshmen
    9 - 9:30 am – L - Freshmen
    9:30 - 10 am – M - Freshmen
    10 - 10:30 am – N-O - Freshmen
    10:30 - 11 am – P-Q - Freshmen
    11 - 11:30 am – R – Freshmen
    11:30 am - 12 pm – S-T – Freshmen
    12 - 12:30 pm – V-Z – Freshmen
  • Coronavirus Message to the Class of 2020 - 5/6/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Class of 2020 Families,

    It seems like ages ago when I first wrote to the seniors following the governor’s announcement that schools would be closed for the remainder of the school year. Alas, that was only six weeks ago! In that letter, I offered empathy, knowing the many unknowns that they faced and the disappointment of a Spring not happening as planned. As the mother of a college senior, I have been walking in the footsteps of parents who are eager to support and encourage their child through final instructional days and missed events on the calendar, while also recognizing my own feelings of lost opportunity to celebrate my senior in the planned way. Graduations are truly a family celebration – something in which we all had a hand! And thus, I also shared with them my desire and the desire of our entire administrative team to find new and unique ways to celebrate the journey they’ve completed, the accomplishments they’ve achieved and the mark they and their families have made on Bishop Ireton.

    Over these past six weeks, the Student Life team, the Counseling team, the Communications team and the Instructional Administrative team have all been working tirelessly to do what they can for seniors in the midst of current restrictions and the many unknowns as we look ahead to the summer months. While we are doing what we can to make things special for graduates in the interim, we are still looking for ways to have a Graduation Gathering/Ceremony on a date and time when we are all allowed to gather safely. The details for such an event can’t be determined yet due to the virus and the regulations surrounding it, but know of our great desire to assemble with you!

    In the meantime, we are looking forward to our new plans. We hope that you received your first graduation package in the mail this week. It contained a graduation cap, gown, hood and any honor cords earned. It also contained a special senior t-shirt that we had made as a gift to celebrate the class of 2020. We are now preparing a second package to arrive prior to the Virtual Commencement #Semifinal Exercises Event that will be airing on May 26. This package will include a keepsake invitation and program and some graduation gifts that we hope you will enjoy.

    What are the details for May 26? We will start with Mass celebrated by our chaplain, Fr. Noah Morey, from Bishop Ireton’s St. Francis de Sales Chapel and broadcast on Facebook Live at 9 am. Immediately following the Mass, Mrs. Tobin and I will be there live to announce our Valedictorian and Salutatorian, the Bishop Peter L. Ireton Award for the two highest academic achievers in the Class of 2020 and the Salesian Medal of Honor recipient. At noon, a link will be provided to all families to watch the live virtual Semifinal Exercises, which combines our Senior Farewell Liturgy, Senior Awards, Senior Video, speeches from our Valedictorian and Salutatorian, and words from Bishop Burbidge, the Head of School and the Principal. We are also adding some elements of our Baccalaureate rose ceremony to provide one more piece of tradition! Please mark your calendar for May 26 and find ways to celebrate as a family. My prayers and spirit will be with all of you as you enjoy that time together and congratulate one another.

    In addition to social media postings and virtual outreach, there are still some additional days to celebrate:
    • May 13 – Seniors last day of regular classes; Senior Tye Dye Shirt Day
    • May 15 – Seniors last day of school!
    • May 18 – Senior grades close
    • May 26 – Senior Virtual Commencement (#semifinal) Exercises 
    We will also be sending out information on locker clear-out day. This will not be able to be a social event due to social distancing restrictions, but it is an important one to allow students to get their things and return any necessary items. Be on the lookout for that communication shortly.

    As I shared with the students, when I started as Head of School this year, one of the events that I most looked forward to was graduation day. I have been reminding myself that God has a plan for me just as He has a plan for each one of you. Let’s continue to do what is needed from us as citizens, find new ways to celebrate and continue to Advance Always.

    Stay Well and God Bless,

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Change to 2020-2021 Class Registration - 4/22/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Parents and Students,

    The Course Request Period began on Monday, April 20 and will end at 11:59 pm on Friday, May 1. All students who intend on returning to Bishop Ireton for the 2020-2021 school year need to enter their requests in the Portal since we will not be returning to school to receive the Course Selection Forms this spring. If course requests are not entered completely or at all by 11:59 pm Friday, May 1, preliminary course placement decisions will be made for your student. The Master Schedule (i.e. final decisions on course offerings, teaching assignments, etc.) is determined based on the information received during the Course Request period, so it is important that requests are entered thoughtfully at this time. However, students will still have an opportunity to request changes to their courses during a ten-day period after course placements are posted in the summer as well as during the add/drop period in the fall when we return to school.

    Students need to follow these steps to enter Course Requests for the 2020-2021 school year in the Portal:

    • Log into the My BI portal.
    • Hover over the "My Day" drop-down menu.
    • Select "Course Requests."
    • Read all of the instructions in the Course Request area.
    • Enter Course Requests while referring to the 2020-2021 Course Catalog for complete course information (e.g. course content, prerequisite, length of course, graduation credit minimums, etc.).
    1. Rising sophomores: PE II/Driver's Ed and Religion courses will be placed into your schedule for you. You do not need to enter these and they will not be shown as options in the Portal.
    2. Rising juniors: Religion courses will be placed into your schedule for you. You do not need to enter these and they will not be shown as options in the Portal.
    3. Rising seniors: Theology of the Body will be placed into your schedule for you. You do not need to enter this and it will not be shown as an option in the Portal. You do, however, need to select your second Religion course from the options in the drop-down menu.
    • Re-check the list to ensure it would give you a full schedule (8 classes each semester) once the courses above are added for you.
    • Click the red "Save button" in the bottom right corner of your screen. 
    If you have any questions or concerns while trying to enter your requests, please contact your current school counselor.

    Summer Courses for Credit

    Bishop Ireton has partnered with Educere to provide online, self-paced summer classes in Web Design, Geometry, Algebra II/Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry for ambitious, self-motivated students. Classes taken for credit during summer will become part of the student’s official Bishop Ireton transcript. Students need to be approved by the Department Chair and the Assistant Principal for Academics to enroll in a summer course for credit. Please do not register for class without approval. If you register without approval, it is not guaranteed that you will receive credit. If you are interested in taking a summer course for credit, please email Ms. O'Leary.

    Thank You,
    The Counseling Team

    Mrs. Lathe (emily.lathe@xinglongmaofang.com): All 9th grade
    Mr. O'Hara (oharac@xinglongmaofang.com): 10th-12th grades, last names A-G
    Ms. O'Leary (olearye@xinglongmaofang.com): 10th-12th grades, last names H-N
    Mrs. DiLorenzo (dilorenz@xinglongmaofang.com): 10th-12th grades, last names O-Z
  • Coronavirus Message to Spring Athletes and Coaches - 4/10/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Spring Coaches and Athletes, 

    Many of you know that I’m a big sports fan and that I played baseball and soccer in high school and college. Throughout my playing career, I’ve lost far more games than I’ve won. Several of those losses were truly agonizing. But my biggest disappointments were when a game got rained out or when the umpire didn’t show up, meaning there was no game at all that day. Was all the training and preparation worthless? No, not at all! My feelings of disappointment taught me to be grateful for those games I could play, and I realized that God had given me many talents and abilities, even if I couldn’t use them on that particular day. I would live to play another day. In the same way, God has blessed you with so many gifts and abilities. One of the reasons I love sports so much is because of their life lessons, not just in the moment, but also for the future. Sports teach us about the importance of hard work, teamwork, perseverance, finishing what we start, being humble in victory and gracious in defeat, and ultimately, being crowned with victory in heaven. It’s no wonder St. Paul likens the striving of a Christian to an athlete’s pursuit of victory. 
    Furthermore, sports help to develop not only a healthy body, but the entire person—a healthy mind in a healthy body. Pope Pius XII wrote, “Sport, rightly understood, is an occupation of the whole person, and while perfecting the body as an instrument of the mind, it also makes the mind itself a more refined instrument for the search and communication of truth and helps man to achieve that end to which all others must be subservient, the service and praise of his Creator.”
    I share your disappointment that the spring sports season didn’t happen this year, due to the Coronavirus pandemic. I realize you had high hopes for what you would accomplish, both individually and as a team, and that you would have represented Bishop Ireton High School in wonderful ways. I, too, was eager to see you compete this spring. But as we go through life, amid the many successes and failures that we’ll experience, we know that nothing can separate us from the tremendous love of God. Win or lose—or whether we even play at all—we’re not defined by our successes or failures on the field. We’re defined by being children of God, who loves us and has blessed us abundantly.
    To use a baseball analogy: when God throws you a curveball, wait on it patiently, and then hit it to the opposite field. Know of my prayers for you all.

    Happy Easter!

    Fr. Noah
  • Coronavirus End of Year Schedule Changes - 4/1/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    I hope that all is well with your families and that your students are settling into eLearning. I appreciate the many challenges that come with online course work, and I understand the juggling that families are doing to make remote schoolwork, professional work and home life occur in the same spaces! I know that I speak for the faculty and staff when I say that we miss being together and seeing our students on a daily basis, but we are grateful that we have a way to connect and maintain our school community as we continue social distancing and responsible citizenship. God is with us in all things, and He is intensely with us at this time.

    Last night, I shared a letter from our superintendent, Dr. Joe Vorbach, in which he provided diocesan information for the remainder of the school year. In accordance with his directive and through the guidance of the Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPE), I share the following adjustments to the Bishop Ireton schedule:

    End of Year Revised Calendar

    • March 30 – April 3 – online lessons for all students continue
    • April 6 – 8 – students have time to complete and turn in all assignments from previous online lessons
    • April 9 – 19 – Easter Break
    • April 20 – online lessons resume for all students
    • May 1– Senior College Sweatshirt Day! (info to come on where to send photos of you in your sweatshirts!)
    • May 13 – Seniors last day of regular classes/Senior Tye Dye Shirt Day!
    • May 15 – Seniors last day of school! (no final exams for seniors)
    • May 18 – Seniors grades close
    • May 21 – Underclassmen last day of regular classes
    • May 25 – Memorial Day – no school
    • May 26 – Underclassmen Study Day; Senior Virtual Commencement (#semifinal) Exercises (all grades are invited to view; details for seniors below)
    • May 26 – 29 – Underclassmen End of 4th Quarter Assessments (no final semester exams)
    • June 1 – 3 – Make up days for Underclassmen Assessments – Underclassmen last day of school
    • June 4 – 5 – Professional Development for Teachers
    • June 8 – 12 – Professional Development and Classroom Closeout for Teachers
    • June 12 – Final Report Cards posted
    • Date to Be Determined – A Celebratory Graduation Gathering/Ceremony for our Seniors and their families on a day and time when we can all safely be together again
    Senior Events Detail

    We understand how important it is to celebrate our Seniors! While we will look to have a celebratory gathering for our Seniors and their families on a day when we are allowed to gather safely, we know that the possibility remains unclear as to where, when and how. Thus, we have several things in store to celebrate them during the month of May. Seniors will finish early (as is tradition) and will not have any final exams or final quarter assessments this year. Thanks to the generosity of our PTO, they will NOT have a graduation fee, while still receiving cherished graduation items: cap and gown, diploma, yearbook and a special package of graduation items. Packages will be prepared in advance of our Virtual Commencement #semifinal Exercises to provide some earned joy! Information on when to expect these packages will be forthcoming. We will have a separate pick-up day for all 2020 Flight yearbooks and official diplomas in the summer. Communications will be forthcoming from the Student Life Office for our senior families on the events below, but this provides the dates as you look ahead.

    • May 1 – Senior College Sweatshirt Day
    • May 13 – Seniors last day of regular classes; Senior Tye Dye Shirt Day
    • May 15 – Seniors last day of school!
    • May 18 – Seniors grades close
    • May 22 – Senior Virtual Commencement (#semifinal) Exercises
    • Virtual Mass at 9am
    • Virtual presentation at 12pm
    • Date TBD – A Celebratory Graduation Gathering/Ceremony for our Seniors and their families on a day and time when we can all safely be together again
    Frequently Asked Questions (Ireton FAQs as we are social distancing)

    While the information above provides families with new dates and details, I know that it still leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Some remain unanswered as we deal with and heed safety restrictions. Here are answers to the most asked questions:


    While we wish that prom could happen for our juniors and seniors, this event is regrettably canceled. We know that our families will find creative ways to celebrate this rite of passage – the Student Life Office will look for your photos! We will still be giving our students a “prom souvenir,” which they will receive at the yearbook pick-up event (see below).


    We are definitely having BI Flight 2020 Yearbooks, and this year’s will be the best yet! Yearbooks for seniors, which are usually covered in their graduation fee, are free for them this year as a gift and thank you for their sacrifice from our PTO. Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors can still order yearbooks. If you have already placed your order, you are good to go. If you would still like to place an order, a link for online payment will be sent out on Friday. We will have a yearbook pick-up day (which we hope to be a celebratory gathering!) in the summer. The date for this will be announced as soon as we know the yearbook arrival date and what type of pick-up event we can provide.

    Will Advisories have the chance to virtually gather before the end of the year?

    The Student Life Office will be working with advisors to get that virtual opportunity set up for each advisory. Students should watch their email for more information.

    Will Bishop Ireton still have the Academic and Service Banquet and the Athletic Banquet?

    We will not have these events, BUT we will be recognizing BI academic, service and athletic accomplishments through our traditional certificates and awards/plaques. Seniors will be recognized during our Virtual Commencement #semifinal Exercises, and underclassmen will be notified before the end of the school year and will receive their awards during the designated summer pick-up event.

    Our Musical, Freaky Friday?

    Mrs. Henry, our theater director, has been brainstorming with drama students on the possibility of sharing the musical through a podcast and then using this musical for our Fall production. She is awaiting permissions from the theatrical licensing agency. Once we have details, we will share dates with the community!

    When will juniors receive their class rings?

    Those rings are being mailed directly to the students. When the Class of 2021 returns to school in the Fall, Fr. Noah will bless their rings at the first school Mass.

    When can students get things from their lockers?

    We don’t have the answer for this yet. It will probably not be until after June 10. The state’s social distancing restrictions prevent us from having students on campus, even by appointment. As soon as we are permitted to let them into the building, we will communicate the dates and details to you. This same restriction stands for faculty.

    Why is construction work still allowed to happen at the school?

    At the moment, we have a limited number of contractors in limited areas of the school. As the work continues and is completed, the area is deep cleaned and sanitized. Contractor work will continue while it is still allowed by the state. That said, there are several orders and deliveries that can’t be filled at this time due to temporary production shut down. We are being fully compliant with the state while trying to complete projects and maintain work for our contractors.

    Will traditional grades be given for the 4th quarter or will they be pass/fail?

    All of the diocesan high schools will be giving traditional grades for the 4th quarter. Our students are engaged in the curriculum designed for their subject areas through full teacher facilitation, and they have worked to achieve actual grades during this eLearning period. Because we are not giving final exams this year, the final report card grade will not include a final exam grade in the calculated average.

    Will we receive a refund for unused lunch funds?

    Our lunch vendor, Three Brothers has shared the following: “Any students that are returning to Bishop Ireton can keep their balances in their accounts for next year, but you are not required to do so. Any seniors or students that are planning to transfer or not return next year should follow the steps below to receive your account balance. Unfortunately, the company used for our point of sale system is a subsidiary company and cannot disperse the funds directly into your account, therefore a check will need to be issued and sent to the address that you provide.”

    Instructions on how to receive your Café balance:

    Please send the following information to cafebishopireton@gmail.com.
    • Your child's name and account number
    • Your complete address
    • The name to whom the check should be made out

    Will we receive a refund for our parking fee for the 4th quarter period?

    Yes, prorated refunds are coming. Mrs. Whitley and Mr. Bass are working to provide our finance department with family information so that a prorated refund can be provided for the time that you were not on campus. That information will be forthcoming. If you have any questions, you can contact Mrs. Whitley at whitley@xinglongmaofang.com or Mr. Bass at bassz@xinglongmaofang.com.

    Do we pay the regular tuition rate for the remainder of the year even though we weren’t on campus?

    Yes! We understand that some may have questions about why tuition must be paid if school is not operating normally. The tuition that we charge is collected on a 10-payment scale, even though the cost of running the school continues all year long. Many of our families don’t realize that our tuition fees do not even cover the per child cost to educate each student. I can assure you that we are working harder than ever to serve all of our families. Our teachers, who make up the greatest cost in school operation, are working doubly hard to shift to and execute an eLearning model; and our staff continues to work around the clock to maintain community through a variety of creative methods which have included prayer opportunities, live streamed masses, video messages and emails. We remain fully committed to our mission on behalf of our students and families, but we cannot fund our full commitment to our teachers, staff and ongoing operations without full tuition payments. That said, we realize this virus is having a significant economic impact on some in our community. We encourage any family facing extreme economic hardship to contact our Finance Office and we will do all we can to address your need.

    What will happen with summer activities on campus – Summer Camps, Summer Classes, the PTO Used Book Sale?

    We don’t have the answer for this yet. We are planning on holding these activities with the understanding that we may need to revise, adjust days, or even cancel some events. We will remain in communication with you as the days progress and answers are available. In the meantime, we will continue to plan as best as we can.

    My student has medications stored at school. When will I be able to get those returned?

    As soon as we are able to have students and our nurse on campus, we will provide a date for pick up. If there is an emergency and you need to speak with Mrs. Lorge, she can be reached through email at lorged@xinglongmaofang.com.

    I bought tickets to the BI Gala. Will the event still be held?

    It was with great disappointment that we postponed our Gala and began preparing to make it an online event. Our Gala was to provide much needed funding for our Annual Fund, which helps to offset the costs that tuition fees don’t cover, as we serve your child throughout the school year. This funding also provides much needed financial aid for so many students in our community who wouldn’t receive an Ireton education without assistance. Our Advancement team is working with wonderful parent volunteers to shift the online event to a late Spring date (still to be announced). The money raised through the online Gala, the car raffle and our upcoming June Day of Giving will be more important than ever as we help families in need during this time and cover operational costs as we look towards the 20-21 school year.

    So often, it is the “unknown” that brings anxiety, and that certainly is a big part of worldwide concerns at this time. How blessed we are to have our faith and our Bishop Ireton community as we wait, keep our families safe, and adjust to what is needed to stay healthy. While the information in this email regarding canceled or changed events may be disappointing, I hope that we provided some answers that will bring peace and direction as we move forward. We want the best for all of our students and we want to do all that we can for them as we close out the school year. Please know that I continue to pray for all of you. I ask you to pray for me and the entire staff at this time.

    Stay Safe ~ Go Cardinals ~ Advance Always ~ Live Jesus!

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Class of 2020 Message #2 - 4/1/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Seniors,

    I know that you have had the chance to see the new schedule that was sent out to all students, teachers and families. We received word from the superintendent yesterday, and I wanted to make sure that information got out to everyone as soon as possible.

    Please know that the Student Life team, the Counseling team, and the Instructional Administrative team has been working tirelessly to do what they can for seniors in the midst of current restrictions and the many unknowns as we look ahead to the summer months. As I shared in my email letter, while we are doing what we can to make things special for you in the interim, we are still looking to have a Graduation Gathering/Ceremony on a date and time when we are all allowed to gather safely. The details for that specific event can’t be determined yet due to the virus and the regulations surrounding it, but we will assemble for you and with you! My daughter, Megan (BI ’16), is a college senior and has already had a graduation postponement twice, with the understanding that an October event may also be postponed. I know the disappointment that comes with all of this, and while I wish we could fix things immediately, I can assure you that you are our top priority.

    Despite the in-home restrictions for Virginia through June 10, we have several things to lighten the disappointment and provide plenty of celebration during the month of May. You will finish early and you will not have any final exams or final quarter assessments this year. You will still be receiving your cap and gown and any earned honor cords, your diploma, a yearbook and several special graduation items. Packages will be prepared and sent to you in advance of Virtual Commencement #semifinal Exercises that we have begun working on to recognize all that you have done as a class and individually. Information on when to expect these packages will be forthcoming. We will have a separate pick-up day for all 2020 Flight yearbooks and official diplomas (hopefully) in the summer -- and if any event/ceremony can happen at that time, then we will make it happen!

    Communications will be forthcoming from Mrs. Jordan, Ms. McNutt and Mr. O’Keefe as the Student Life Office prepares for the events below. Think about how you can engage in all of this at a time that is unprecedented. Maybe you have an idea that will help us celebrate; maybe you have an idea to help us celebrate and serve those in need at the same time; maybe you have an idea that would be uplifting for your classmates in ways we wouldn’t have thought about. You may inevitably start a new tradition.

    • May 1 – Senior College Sweatshirt Day
    • May 13 – Seniors last day of regular classes; Senior Tye Dye Shirt Day
    • May 15 – Seniors last day of school!
    • May 18 – Seniors grades close
    • May 26 – Senior Virtual Commencement (#semifinal) Exercises
    1. Virtual Mass at 9am
    2. Virtual presentation at 12pm
    • Date TBD – A Celebratory Graduation Gathering/Ceremony for our Seniors and their families on a day and time when we can all safely be together again
    When I started as Head of School this year, one of the events that I most looked forward to was graduation day. I have been reminding myself that God has a plan for me just as He has a plan for each one of you. Let’s flatten the curve of this virus, celebrate in new ways and continue to Advance Always.

    You Are Each in My Thoughts and Prayers,

    Mrs. McNutt
  • Coronavirus Letter from Superintendent - 3/31/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    Please see the letter below (in italics) from the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Joe Vorbach. I will be sending out detailed information tomorrow morning regarding changes to the Bishop Ireton calendar and updated event plans for the remainder of the school year. Stay well!

    Advance Always,

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Class of 2020 Message #1 - 3/23/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Seniors,

    I wanted to reach out to all of you personally. There are certainly a lot of people that we (and the nation) are worried about right now – those who are sick, those who have lost jobs and those who are on the front lines providing medical care to people in need. This is all heavy stuff for our communities and certainly for families. Beyond those big picture concerns, I want you to know that you are the people that I am most concerned about. Please know that I have been working hard in (virtual) meetings with the superintendent, with other Heads of Schools and with our administrative team to do what we can for you. I can only imagine how it feels to know that the year won’t end the way that you had imagined. But what I can share is that I am the mom of a college senior. I understand and empathize with you with regards to the uncertainty about graduation and all of the celebratory plans that were made. I have assured my daughter, as I know your parents are assuring all of you, that we will find new and unique ways to celebrate, even if it is not on campus or at the scheduled location. Things may not mimic what you have seen in the past or what you imagined in your minds, but the experiences will be uniquely yours.

    I promise to be in touch with your class to share what the end of the year schedule will look like and creative ways in which we are looking at providing celebratory experiences. I will also be in touch with all students regarding end of the year requirements – all of your Bishop Ireton administrators understand that adjustments need to be made as we go forward. But there will be requirements and expectations that come with finishing the school year – those will come from accrediting agencies, collegiate requirements and state graduation requirements. That said, those agencies also know that the time is unique. We will work through all of this together. Stay in touch with your teachers and counselors and know that you are our top priority.

    We are so very proud of you; we are amazed by your spirit; we understand your frustrations; and we are here for you. Continue Bishop Ireton’s call to Advance Always!


    Mrs. McNutt
  • Coronavirus New Schedule Update - 3/23/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    As many of you have seen and read, Governor Northam announced the closure of all K-12 schools in Virginia through the end of the academic year to help limit the spread of COVID-19 in the state. In accordance with that decision and for the safety of our students and community-at-large, the Bishop Ireton High School campus will be closed for in-person instruction for the remainder of the school year. I have been in meetings throughout the day with the superintendent, diocesan Heads of School and principals, and staff from the Office of Catholic Schools, and we are working diligently and thoughtfully to provide you with information on the remaining weeks of the school calendar and details regarding the important events that traditionally bring celebratory closure to the school year.

    Bishop Ireton will continue with our distance eLearning model as we await further guidance from the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) and the Virginia Council for Private Education (VCPE). Private schools throughout our area have begun to provide distance learning to students, and VCPE urges the continuation of these efforts. We understand the importance of providing our students with flexibility in instructional time, as they manage WiFi/bandwith issues and time for health and wellbeing. Our superintendent, Dr. Joe Vorbach, will be receiving additional guidance from VCPE in the days to come, and school leaders will be working to implement any directives regarding grading, assessments and remaining instructional days. Our primary goals remain: sustaining our Catholic learning community and continuing learning for our students. I appreciate your patience as we make decisions and communicate any information, and I thank you for your prayers and all that you continue to do as we navigate this unique time. Please know that you have my commitment to be in regular communication with you as our plans shift in the coming days and weeks.

    Despite the governor’s announcement, today has been full of eLearning in homes, outstanding facilitation of curriculum from our teachers, the completion of the new door lock system in our beautiful front entrance, a generator room inspection approval on campus and the delivery of yard signs for our graduates announcing our pride at their accomplishments over these past four years. While it may be hard to feel that progress from your homes, know that we are truly Advancing Always! As a parent myself, and the mother of a college senior, I know the frustrations, worries and emotions that you are experiencing in your families. I also know that we will find new and creative ways to learn, teach, celebrate and grow in our faith. As St. Francis de Sales assures us, “How immeasurable is the goodness of God!” Let us all look for His goodness in all that is happening.

    God Bless,

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus eLearning Guidelines - 3/20/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Students and Families,

    The transition to eLearning is a necessary measure for our school and all schools nationwide at this time. Bishop Ireton will move forward with distance learning in a way that is focused on opportunities for academic success and based on partnering with families as they deal with real-world technology and logistic issues at home. Teachers have been hard at work developing eLearning plans for each class so that we can continue to provide a quality Catholic education for all students.

    General Guidelines for Students

    • Distance Learning may be a challenge for students (and everyone!) as they engage in different instructional platforms. That said, students are expected to participate in all eLearning lessons as directed by each teacher in each class.
    • Four new lessons per course will be posted each week during the weeks of March 23 and March 30. Lessons will be posted on a daily basis.
    • Assignments for all classes will be posted on the My BI Portal.
    • Students should sign into the My BI Portal after 9 am and check assignments for each class. Teachers will have posted communication guidelines, office hours and information about assignments.
    • Students must check the Portal for all classes on a daily basis.
    • Due dates for assignments will be posted by teachers and must be followed.
    • Completed assignments must be posted/sent electronically by 11:59 pm on the due date.
    • Students should email or send a Portal message to teachers with questions when necessary.
    • Email communications will take place through Bishop Ireton email accounts/Portal messaging. Teachers will check email at least twice per day, in the morning and in the afternoon.
    • Teachers will designate a time for “Office Hours” each day when they will be available to respond to emails. Some teachers may conduct a discussion board or use a platform such as Team Meeting or Google Hangouts. All discussions or hangouts will be recorded for all students to access at a later time. Such discussions are optional and there is no requirement for student participation at specific times. Students can watch the recorded sessions for additional information.
    • Students should expect to spend approximately 4 to 5 hours per day of the school week on academic work.
    • All academic work will be graded. Specific rubrics, methods of feedback and due dates are determined by individual teachers. Assignments not submitted by the due date will be marked as missing and as a “0” in the Portal. The time required for detailed feedback will vary based on the nature of the assignment.
    • If a student cannot complete academic work for an extraordinary reason, parents must email the teacher and the school counselor. School counselors will be able to help students with any overwhelming issues, or provide additional assistance.
    • Academic Support Teachers will be working with their (ASP) students and assisting them with questions on accommodations and needed support during this eLearning period.
    Beginning of Distance Learning on Monday, March 23

    • On Monday, March 23, students should log in and make sure that they are able to access all information on the Portal. Teachers will have a first quick assignment provided on the opening day (March 23) to ensure student ability to log in. Students should complete this first assignment immediately, which will let the teacher know that they have access to information. Students should email teachers immediately if they cannot find the information or if they require assistance.
    Considerations for Distance Learning

    • Distance Learning requires self-discipline. Students must plan ahead and find a quiet space to work with minimal distractions.
    • Set a regular schedule for the school day by taking note of office hours for questions.
    • Schedule a time for each class that day and check the Portal twice per day – once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
    • Students should schedule breaks and time to eat or take care of themselves.
    • Bishop Ireton understands that students and families will have other responsibilities at home, therefore scheduling schoolwork with other activities will be important.
    • Reach out to teachers when there are questions or feelings of being overwhelmed. Teachers will be available to help.
    • Parents and students should reach out to school counselors and the Academic Support Team if there are extraordinary concerns about meeting expectations for eLearning. Refer to the “A Letter from Your Bishop Ireton Counselors - March 2020.”
    • Set aside time for personal prayer and reflection especially as we pray for the health and wellbeing of everyone in our community. 

    The Bishop Ireton administration, faculty and staff are ready to help all families with this transition and wish much success to all students as they begin a period of eLearning. We are praying for the health and wellbeing of all families and the larger Bishop Ireton community.

    In Christ,

    Denise Tobin
  • Coronavirus eLearning Schedule - 3/16/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Students and Families,

    Bishop Ireton is actively preparing for a transition to e-learning for a period of time due to COVID-19 (coronavirus). Our teachers are busy preparing e-lessons this week along with collecting previously announced and posted 3rd Quarter assignments from students. All outstanding school work for the current quarter should be completed and submitted to the appropriate teacher by Friday, March 20. 3rd Quarter gradebooks will close on Monday, March 23.

    Students should check the Portal for messages concerning any previously assigned work that is due before the end of the quarter. No new assignments will be posted as we end the 3rd Quarter. Some teachers may post optional assignments to support students in successfully finishing the quarter. Student grades for the 3rd Quarter will not be visible on the Portal, starting on March 24, until report cards are completed and posted.

    Please email individual teachers with any questions or concerns, and to determine the best way to send assignments. To summarize, for this week the focus for students should be on submitting late or missing work, and on completing previously assigned work that would have been due during the week of March 16.

    Next, daily lessons for e-learning will be posted on the My BI Portal by all teachers beginning Monday, March 23. All lessons and assignments are mandatory for online attendance and grading.

    • Students must view and participate in any online assignment.
    • In addition to posted assignments, some teachers will be providing live instruction opportunities. For students who aren’t able to access the live instruction, recordings of those sessions will be posted on the teacher’s Portal page.
    • Students need to check the Portal each morning after 9 am for details and directions pertaining to assignments. Please pay particular attention to the due date for each assignment so that maximum credit can be earned.

    Starting on March 23, there will be four lessons delivered for each course, each week through the Portal and email. Lessons will be posted one at a time. This is meant to simulate how students go to each of their classes, usually four times each week, and is intended to avoid overwhelming students with two weeks of work all posted at once. Instructions will be provided by teachers for how and when students need to submit work. We recognize the need to be flexible as families adjust to this. Furthermore, an appropriate amount of extra time for students with an accommodation will be given. Students enrolled in Academic Support will be receiving online support from their assigned AS teacher.

    There will be no new assignments the week of April 6 (Holy Week). Teachers have the option of having previously assigned work due by Wednesday April 8. April 9 officially marks the beginning of our Easter school break and continues through April 19. If there are any adjustments to this schedule due to diocesan or local jurisdiction requirements, we will modify or extend as needed.

    In regards to class selection for the 2020-2021 school year, the counseling department will be communicating with students and families after they evaluate the best way to complete that process. That information will be sent out at a later date.

    Reminder: All e-learning lessons and assignments are mandatory for attendance purposes and for grading. The key to success is for students to continue to carefully watch the Portal and check email twice each day. The faculty and staff are all here for our students and their families. We are navigating this together!


    Denise Tobin
  • Coronavirus New Schedule Update - 3/15/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    In light of the ever-changing needs and school locality requirements for social distancing, we will no longer be able to have students in the building to retrieve items on Tuesday. We have also canceled our professional development training for staff in order to have the building closed beginning Monday, March 16.

    The teachers are aware that some students may not have particular books for a class, and they will adjust their e-lessons accordingly. Mrs. Tobin will be sending out details regarding e-learning classwork; please be assured that we will not have “class in real time” requirements.

    Here is a reminder of the updated schedule for the days ahead (with the caveat that things are fluid and could change again):

    Monday, March 16 – Building Closed (previously scheduled teacher PD sessions are canceled)

    Tuesday, March 17 – Building Closed (previously scheduled item retrievals for students are canceled). If a student is missing a textbook, they should email the teacher directly to let them know. Teachers are aware that they may need to post chapters or pages for student reading in case they don’t have their books.

    Wed. – Fri., March 18 – 20 – Students will have time to complete necessary assignments remaining from the 3rd quarter. Students should email teachers if they have questions. 3rd Quarter gradebooks will close on Monday, March 23. (Students should check the My BI Portal for messages concerning any previously assigned work that is due before the end of the quarter. No new assignments will be posted. Some teachers may post optional assignments to support students in successfully finishing the quarter.) Student grades for the 3rd Quarter will not be visible on the portal, starting on March 24, until report cards are completed and posted.

    March 23 – April 8 – The school will officially be operating under the distance learning model. Students and families will receive more information on the e-learning process by Tuesday, March 17. Mrs. Jordan will be in contact with students regarding tech questions.

    April 9 – 19 – Easter break - The school will re-evaluate the situation at that time using the latest information available.

    Remember that all extracurricular activities are canceled during this period (through April 19) as we implement social distancing community-wide. We are working with club and activity moderators to reschedule events after Easter break whenever possible. Rescheduled dates will be sent out at a later time.

    Thank you for your flexibility as we move forward. Stay safe and let us pray for patience and strength as we work together through this!


    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus New Schedule Update - 3/13/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    Due to the evolving implications of the COVID-19 virus in our area and nationwide, our administration, faculty and staff have been working over the past two weeks to develop distance learning plans which will cover instruction through Easter Break. In addition, the counseling team and student life team have been developing distance models for their engagement with students and families. In light of community needs and due to the announcement from the governor, Bishop Ireton High School will move into the distance learning model beginning next week through Easter Break, with no classes on campus until April 20.

    We will follow the schedule below:

    Monday, March 16 – Teachers will be in school for professional development sessions.

    Tuesday, March 17 – Students will be allowed on campus to collect their items. We will be staggering the access to campus based upon last name. We appreciate your adherence to this policy. Please only come during your designated time and we ask that students limit their time in the building. All students will need to enter and exit the building at the student entrance near the Chapel. We encourage you to bring a bag to make taking your items easy. In addition to all necessary school books, we ask that PE and sports lockers are cleared out as well. This will help with our cleaning and sanitizing efforts. (Additionally, we expect that any food or perishable items are cleaned out of lockers.)

    By student last name:

    A-G: 8:15 am – 9:30 am
    H-N: 9:45 am – 11 am
    O-Z: 11:15 am – 12:30 pm

    Wed. – Fri., March 18 – 20 – Students will have time to complete necessary assignments remaining from the 3rd quarter. All outstanding school work for the current quarter should be completed and submitted to the appropriate teacher by Friday, March 20. 3rd Quarter gradebooks will close on Monday, March 23.

    Students should check the My BI Portal for messages concerning any previously assigned work that is due before the end of the quarter. No new assignments will be posted as we end the 3rd Quarter. Some teachers may post optional assignments to support students in successfully finishing the quarter.

    Please email individual teachers with any questions or concerns. This plan will facilitate an opportunity to end the quarter successfully without any additional burden on our students.

    Student grades for the 3rd Quarter will not be visible on the portal, starting on March 24, until report cards are completed and posted.

    March 23 – April 8 – The school will officially be operating under the distance learning model. Students and families will receive more information on the distance learning model in the next few days. Until that time, please make sure that your technology tools at home are reliable. We surveyed students this past week regarding their computer and internet access at home, and we are working with those students who have technology needs (beyond a smart phone). Mrs. Jordan will be in contact with those students prior to Tuesday.

    April 9 – 19 - Easter break - The school will reevaluate the situation at that time using the latest information available.

    Please note that all extracurriculars are cancelled during this period (March 13 – April 19) as we implement social distancing community-wide. We are working with club and activity moderators to reschedule events after Easter break whenever possible. Rescheduled dates will be sent out at a later time.

    Please look for school emails with updated information over the next few days. We know that this period of time comes with challenges, but it also provides new opportunities for growth and learning. We look to the parents to partner with us as we support the students in the distance learning model. They need our help as they navigate time management, e-organization and healthy cyber interactions. Our faculty and staff will be here to work with you throughout the process.

    We appreciate your support and flexibility as we diligently work to Advance Always!

    God Bless,

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Update - 3/13/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    In following Fairfax County Public Schools, Bishop Ireton High School will be closed for students tomorrow, Friday, March 13, 2020. Students should remain home.

    Additional communication will be forthcoming for next week’s schedule, details regarding e-learning and instructions for student access to books and materials. Our teachers will be in the building on Friday for professional development and our offices will be open from 8 am - 2 pm.

    We want to reiterate that students should not come to school on Friday so that we can prepare accordingly. These measures are for the safety of our whole school community and we ask for your cooperation and patience.

    Stay safe and healthy. More details will follow soon.

    God Bless,

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Update - 3/12/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    Given the rapidly evolving situation with the COVID-19 virus, we have been working with diocesan and local officials to determine the best course of action for our students and staff both on and off campus. The health and safety of the Bishop Ireton community is our primary concern, and all decisions made will be with that at the forefront. We know the anxiety that the announced international pandemic has caused, and we will continue to work with our students to keep calm and focused on learning while they are on campus. There are no known cases of the virus within our student body, but we understand the benefits of social distancing and are monitoring the situation as we provide communication and make changes to our operating schedule.

    Following our 12:15 pm dismissal tomorrow, our faculty will be working on e-learning strategies for teachers. That professional development will continue this Monday, March 16, which is already a scheduled day off for our students. For additional and extended closures, we will follow the decision of Fairfax County Schools. If a closure decision is made, we will send detailed information out to school families at that time. Be assured that we have already been working internally to prepare for any remote work and technology needs for students and staff.

    As we support one another during this time, we look to the words of St. Francis de Sales: “Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset. What is anything in life compared to peace of soul?”

    Thank you for your support from home and be assured of my prayers for all of you.

    God Bless,

    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Update - 3/11/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    With each day, we are seeing rapid changes in the COVID-19 spread around our country and now, our area.

    As with everyone else, we are working with the Diocese and closely monitoring the situation and assessing the safety for and health of all of our students, faculty and staff.

    With that, we want to share a few updates.

    1. As of today, the school will continue to operate on a normal schedule. As mentioned in previous communications on this issue, the situation is fluid and it’s important that everyone is prepared in the event of a school closure. Again, please ensure you have access to the My BI Portal. If you have trouble logging in, simply go here and then click the "First Time Logging In or Forgot Login?" link and it will direct you to reset your password.
    2. The professional development day for our faculty that is scheduled for this coming Monday, March 16, will focus on e-learning as our teachers continue to prepare for the possibility of remote learning for our students.
    3. As of today and through May 1, 2020, all scheduled student overnight trips and any day trips to New York state have been cancelled. This includes the previously determined cancellations of international trips and now encompasses all domestic travel as well (sports, retreats, fine arts, etc.).
    4. If you have recently traveled (especially to regions where there are clusters of the virus outbreak), please let the school know. You can communicate that information directly to our school nurse, Mrs. Donna Lorge.
    5. If you are feeling sick or think you might have symptoms of the coronavirus, please do not come to school. Though the culture in our country is one of grinding through any ailment, prudent judgement at this time is key to containment. Please seek appropriate medical treatment in this situation.
    6. We urge everyone to maintain good hygiene with proper and frequent handwashing and the use of hand sanitizer. New hand sanitizer stations were installed throughout the school and are available for use.

    Please remember in this time of uncertainty that we are all one Bishop Ireton family. The precautions and preparations being taken are for the benefit of everyone and are not intended to cause panic or hysteria. That said, it is incumbent on each and every person in our school community to make sensible and smart decisions to do our part to prevent further spread of the illness.

    We will continue to keep you updated as the situation progresses.

    We pray for all those affected, all those working in the scientific and medical fields who are on the front lines of this battle and for a swift end to this pandemic.

    Dr. Joseph Vorbach, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Arlington, has provided the below message on the COVID-19 response from the diocese:

    Dear Diocese of Arlington Catholic Schools Community,

    We are more than a week into a period of elevated concern about the coronavirus in the greater Washington, DC area. During that time, we have monitored closely reports on the spread of the virus, as well as the guidance being issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Virginia Department of Health, and local public health authorities. We have also remained informed about communications from the local public school districts where our schools are located.

    We have stayed in regular communication with our school leaders, providing updates and using video-teleconference capability to share information and best practices. Our schools office has been involved in Chancery level planning that brought parish and ministerial program leaders from across the Diocese together. These efforts helped highlight areas of overlapping concern and likely key decision points going forward. The primary and regularly updated vehicle for communication about the virus and the response has been and will continue to be the School Nurse Newsletter, prepared by the School Health Coordinator in the Office of Catholic Schools, Amber Dise, RN. You can find the most recent newsletter by clicking on the button at this link: http://www.arlingtondiocese.org/our-schools/. New Developments effective March 10, 2020: Out of an abundance of caution, all school-sponsored international travel is canceled through June 30, 2020. In addition, any domestic overnight trips scheduled on or after March 11 are cancelled and this cancellation notice is effective through May 1, 2020. Any trips scheduled to New York state are also canceled, including day trips. All other day trips may proceed as scheduled.

    As the number of known cases in the area has increased, we have worked with specific schools on localized guidance specific to unique circumstances, always in concert with and consistent with CDC and local public health guidance. When and if public health guidance indicates the need for more substantial prevention and mitigation efforts, we will respond accordingly and in a timely way. School leaders have encouraged families to provide information to the schools about family travel plans in order to make it easier to support families upon return should any self-quarantine requirements be in place. In some cases, a family member has been required to self-quarantine out of an abundance of caution and this has had ripple effects for other family members. We will continue to work with local public health officials and families in these individual circumstances, always with the best interests of all students in mind.

    These are unique circumstances that are providing us with opportunities to learn and grow as we work to keep our children safe. As we work through the coronavirus challenge together, let us keep in our prayers all those who are dealing with it directly and all the health care professionals who are working so diligently to support community health.

    Sincerely in Christ,

    Joseph E Vorbach III, PhD, MEd


    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Update - 3/5/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    Though there are no immediate changes to our response to the spread of coronavirus, we did want to provide an update in a few areas that will be important should the spread continue.

    Again, as mentioned last week we will continue to follow the guidance of the CDC with regards to school closures and travel abroad. We want to reiterate that for now, no closures are planned and travel is only restricted to a few countries. That said, a decision will be made by Monday, March 9 with regards to the planned Wind Ensemble trip to France. Please be on the lookout for communication directly from Mrs. Hall for updates on that trip. With regards to the service trip to Banica that is set to happen this summer, decisions will be made on the feasibility and safety of that trip at a later date. Any domestic trips will be reviewed on a case by case basis as the situation progresses.

    Should the school close due to the spread of this illness, please know that it is our intention to continue instruction remotely as best as we can manage. Our faculty is hard at work preparing for this scenario and Principal Denise Tobin and Assistant Principal Lonnell Battle are working with the department chairs to ensure they have the resources and plans to implement remote instruction. If we do have to take these steps, the My BI Portal will be the key tool used for both student learning as well as parent communication. Please take this time to log into My BI to make sure you can access the Portal. If you have trouble logging in, simply go here and then click the "First Time Logging In or Forgot Login?" link and it will direct you to reset your password.

    Please also ensure that we have four emergency contacts (two in addition to parents) in Magnus Health. Those additional contacts should have the addresses and phone numbers of the people who are authorized to pick up your student. For a refresher on directions to do this, click here.

    We want you to know that we are working directly with our cleaning company, our maintenance team and our school nurse, Donna Lorge, to take steps to thoroughly clean and sanitize our school on a regular basis. We are also hanging posters around the building to remind students about proper handwashing techniques.

    As a reminder, here is what parents and students can do for now:

    • Ensure that your most recent contact information (home phone, cell phone and email addresses) are on file with the school in the event the school emergency system must be activated. For a refresher about how to sign up for emergency alerts (you must opt in to receive them), see this link.
    • Practice and educate your children on appropriate strategies to prevent or reduce the spread of a virus.
    • For current and accurate information, please refer to the Virginia Department of Health and Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention websites.
    • Continually monitor the My BI Portal and Bishop Ireton communications and social media for updates.
    • Check on a daily basis for communications from teachers on assignments and homework.
    • Plan to provide a good learning atmosphere during a school closure, taking into account the effects the crisis is having on your family.
    • Strictly follow any guidance provided by the school on when a sick student can return to school once the school is reopened.

    Lastly, here are some helpful links on the COVID-19 outbreak provided by the Virginia Council for Private Education:

    1. What you need to know about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
    2. What to do if you are sick with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
    3. Stop the spread of germs – help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses like COVID-19

    We pray for all those in need and for all those suffering from this illness.


    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School
  • Coronavirus Update - 2/28/2020

    Dear Bishop Ireton Families,

    Due to the current international concerns regarding coronavirus, we wanted to share some important information with regards to how we will approach a possible pandemic and disruption in the event of a school closure. While we certainly hope that our schedule will continue normally, it is best to be proactive in preparations for student and staff care.

    At this time, we are following the guidance of the CDC with regards to school closures and travel abroad. For now, no closures are planned and travel is only restricted to a few countries. For those with students in the Wind Ensemble and thinking ahead to the trip abroad over Easter, please know that as of today, travel to France is NOT restricted. That said, the situation is fluid and could change. In addition, no student or adult moderator will be required to go on the trip should they express concern over traveling and their health. Mrs. Hall will be in touch directly with Wind Ensemble families.

    Please know that the Diocese of Arlington has guidelines for preparation for a pandemic event, which we will follow.

    Firstly, for our faculty and staff, we will begin preparing in the event that the school needs to be closed for an extended period of time. This includes potentially utilizing online learning tools, developing education plans and learning packets for remote study and a communication plan for teachers to share information with parents and students on homework assignments or other learning activities.

    Secondly, for our students and parents, we ask that you do the following:

    • Ensure that your most recent contact information (home phone, cell phone and email addresses) are on file with the school in the event the school emergency system must be activated. For a refresher about how to sign up for emergency alerts (you must opt in to receive them), see this link.
    • Practice and educate your children on appropriate strategies to prevent or reduce the spread of a virus.
    • Monitor news programs and governmental agencies’ websites for updated information on any health crisis.
    • Continually monitor the My BI Portal and Bishop Ireton communications and social media for updates.
    • Check on a daily basis for communications from teachers on assignments and homework.
    • Plan to provide a good learning atmosphere during a school closure, taking into account the effects the crisis is having on your family.
    • Strictly follow any guidance provided by the school on when a sick student can return to school once the school is reopened.

    Information and updates from the CDC are coming daily and we will continue to watch and take prudent steps during this period when there is elevated concern about the virus.

    For more information on coronavirus and the response from the Diocese of Arlington Office of Catholic Schools, please click here.

    Let’s work together to remain a healthy community, and let us pray for those who are ill and need our prayers.


    Kathleen McNutt
    Head of School